Latest new on asuu strike

The ASUU strike! Here's the latest news:

Update as of March 2023:

  1. Negotiations ongoing: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and the Federal Government are still in talks to resolve the ongoing strike. The union has given the government until March 14th to meet its demands.
  2. Government's offer: The government has offered to increase the payment of Earned Academic Allowances (EAA) to N40 billion, up from the initial N20 billion. However, ASUU is demanding N40 billion for 2020 and N20 billion for 2021.
  3. ASUU's demands: The union is still pushing for the implementation of the 2009 FGN-ASUU agreement, the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances, and the revitalization of universities.
  4. Students' plight: The strike has caused significant disruptions to academic activities, with many students unable to access their institutions or complete their courses on time.

Previous updates:

  1. Strike enters 10th week: The ASUU strike began on February 14th and has now entered its 10th week, with no end in sight.
  2. Government's refusal to meet demands: The government has refused to meet ASUU's demands, citing financial constraints and the need for a more comprehensive solution to the country's educational challenges.
  3. Court injunction: A court injunction was issued to stop the strike, but ASUU has refused to comply, citing the government's failure to meet its demands.
  4. International support: The strike has received international attention, with many academics and organizations expressing support for ASUU's demands.

What's next?

  1. ASUU's next move: ASUU has threatened to take further action if its demands are not met, including a possible extension of the strike or a nationwide protest.
  2. Government's response: The government may try to negotiate with ASUU or impose a solution, which could lead to further conflict.
  3. Students' future: The strike has significant implications for students, who may face delays in completing their courses or may need to repeat years.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story!