Latest new colour

A fascinating topic!

The latest new color that has been discovered and officially recognized by the Pantone Color Institute is "Illuminating" (Pantone 17-5023), a bright and cheerful shade of yellow, which was announced as the Color of the Year for 2021.

However, if you're looking for a more recent development, there have been some exciting breakthroughs in the field of color science and technology. For example:

  1. YInMn Blue: In 2009, a team of scientists at Oregon State University discovered a new blue pigment, YInMn blue, which has unique properties that make it more durable and sustainable than traditional blue pigments.
  2. Vantablack: In 2014, a team of scientists at Surrey NanoSystems developed Vantablack, a synthetic material that absorbs an extremely high percentage of light, making it the darkest material known.
  3. Mood Ring Colors: In 2020, a team of researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) developed a new type of color-changing material that can detect changes in temperature and humidity, similar to mood rings.
  4. Quantum Dot Colors: Researchers have been working on developing quantum dot technology, which uses tiny crystals to create a wide range of colors with improved brightness and color accuracy.

These are just a few examples of the latest developments in the world of color. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting innovations in the field of color science!