Latest mourinho news now

Here are the latest news updates on Jose Mourinho:

Recent News

  1. Mourinho's next move: According to reports, Mourinho is considering a move to AS Roma, with the Italian club's president, James Pallotta, said to be a fan of the Portuguese manager. (Source: Sky Sports)
  2. Mourinho's Tottenham exit: Mourinho was sacked by Tottenham Hotspur on April 19, 2021, after a poor run of results. The club finished 7th in the Premier League under his management. (Source: BBC Sport)
  3. Mourinho's future plans: In an interview with Portuguese newspaper Record, Mourinho revealed that he plans to take a break from management before considering his next move. He also expressed his desire to manage a team that can compete for major trophies. (Source:
  4. Mourinho's criticism of referees: Mourinho has been critical of referees in the past, and recently expressed his frustration with the officiating in the Premier League. He believes that referees are not doing enough to protect players and are allowing too much physicality on the pitch. (Source: The Guardian)
  5. Mourinho's praise for Pep Guardiola: In an interview with Spanish newspaper AS, Mourinho praised Pep Guardiola, saying that he is one of the best managers in the world and that he has a lot of respect for him. (Source: ESPN)

Recent Quotes

  1. "I'm not going to be a manager who is going to be in a team that is not going to fight for the title. I'm not going to be a manager who is going to be in a team that is not going to play to win." - Mourinho on his future plans (Source: Record)
  2. "I think the referees are not doing their job. They are not protecting the players. They are not giving the free kicks when they should give them. They are not giving the penalties when they should give them." - Mourinho on his criticism of referees (Source: The Guardian)
  3. "Pep is one of the best managers in the world. He's a manager who has a lot of respect from me. He's a manager who has a lot of knowledge about the game." - Mourinho on Pep Guardiola (Source: AS)

Please note that the news and quotes may be subject to change as new information becomes available.