Latest libya news bbc

Here are the latest news articles from BBC News about Libya:

Latest News

  1. Libya's Haftar forces capture key town in western Libya (BBC News, 24 February 2023)

Forces loyal to Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar have captured the town of Al-Watiya, a key location in western Libya. The town is a major oil-producing area and its capture could give Haftar's forces control over a significant portion of Libya's oil infrastructure.

  1. Libya's rival governments agree to hold elections (BBC News, 21 February 2023)

Libya's two rival governments have agreed to hold elections in December, in a bid to end the country's political crisis. The agreement was reached after talks in Geneva between the internationally recognized government and the government based in the eastern city of Benghazi.

  1. Libya's Haftar forces launch new offensive in western Libya (BBC News, 17 February 2023)

Forces loyal to Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar have launched a new offensive in western Libya, aiming to capture the city of Zawiya and its surrounding areas. The city is a key location in the country's oil industry and its capture could give Haftar's forces control over a significant portion of Libya's oil infrastructure.

  1. Libya's rival governments agree to unify military (BBC News, 14 February 2023)

Libya's two rival governments have agreed to unify their military forces, in a bid to end the country's political crisis. The agreement was reached after talks in Geneva between the internationally recognized government and the government based in the eastern city of Benghazi.

  1. Libya's Haftar forces capture key oil terminal (BBC News, 10 February 2023)

Forces loyal to Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar have captured a key oil terminal in the country's eastern region. The terminal is a major hub for Libya's oil exports and its capture could give Haftar's forces control over a significant portion of the country's oil infrastructure.

Archived News

You can also find archived news articles from BBC News about Libya by searching for "Libya" on the BBC News website.