Latest entertainment news in ghana

Here are some of the latest entertainment news in Ghana:


  1. Stonebwoy's "Anloga Junction" album debuts at number 1 on Billboard Reggae Chart: Stonebwoy's latest album "Anloga Junction" has debuted at number 1 on the Billboard Reggae Chart, making him the first Ghanaian artist to achieve this feat. (Source: GhanaWeb)
  2. Shatta Wale releases new single "Melissa": Shatta Wale has released a new single titled "Melissa", which is already gaining traction on social media. (Source: Pulse Ghana)
  3. Efya collaborates with Tiwa Savage on new single "Until the Morning": Ghanaian singer Efya has collaborated with Nigerian superstar Tiwa Savage on a new single titled "Until the Morning". (Source: Ghanaian Times)


  1. "The Burial of Kojo" wins Best International Feature Film at African Movie Academy Awards: Ghanaian film "The Burial of Kojo" has won the Best International Feature Film award at the African Movie Academy Awards. (Source: Graphic Online)
  2. "Azali" premieres at African International Film Festival: Ghanaian film "Azali" has premiered at the African International Film Festival in Lagos, Nigeria. (Source: GhanaWeb)
  3. John Dumelo's "The King's Way" to premiere soon: Ghanaian actor John Dumelo's new film "The King's Way" is set to premiere soon. (Source: Pulse Ghana)


  1. "Ghana's Most Beautiful" returns for season 2: The popular Ghanaian reality TV show "Ghana's Most Beautiful" has returned for its second season. (Source: GhanaWeb)
  2. "The Delay Show" returns with new season: Ghanaian TV show "The Delay Show" has returned with a new season, featuring new guests and topics. (Source: Pulse Ghana)
  3. "Ghana's Got Talent" auditions underway: The popular TV show "Ghana's Got Talent" is currently holding auditions for its new season. (Source: Graphic Online)

Other News

  1. Ghanaian actress, Lydia Forson, appointed as UNFPA Ambassador: Ghanaian actress Lydia Forson has been appointed as a UNFPA Ambassador, focusing on issues related to women's empowerment and reproductive health. (Source: GhanaWeb)
  2. Ghanaian musician, Sarkodie, to perform at BET Awards: Ghanaian musician Sarkodie has been announced as one of the performers at the upcoming BET Awards. (Source: Pulse Ghana)
  3. Ghanaian comedian, DKB, to host comedy show in the US: Ghanaian comedian DKB is set to host a comedy show in the United States, featuring other Ghanaian comedians. (Source: Ghanaian Times)

These are just a few of the latest entertainment news in Ghana. Stay tuned for more updates!