Latest dbanj news

Here are some of the latest news and updates about D'banj:

Recent News

  1. D'banj's Koko Garri Launch: In November 2022, D'banj launched his new food brand, Koko Garri, a popular Nigerian staple food. The launch was attended by several celebrities and influencers.
  2. New Music: In October 2022, D'banj released a new single titled "Stress Me", which has been gaining popularity on music streaming platforms.
  3. Collaboration with Tiwa Savage: In September 2022, D'banj collaborated with Tiwa Savage on a new single titled "Issa Vibe", which has been well-received by fans.
  4. D'banj's Foundation: In August 2022, D'banj's foundation, The Koko Garri Foundation, launched a new initiative to provide food and other essential items to vulnerable communities in Nigeria.
  5. D'banj's Net Worth: According to a report by Forbes, D'banj's net worth is estimated to be around $20 million, making him one of the richest musicians in Nigeria.

Upcoming Projects

  1. New Album: D'banj has announced that he is working on a new album, which is expected to be released in 2023.
  2. Tour: D'banj has also announced plans to embark on a world tour in 2023, which will take him to several countries in Africa, Europe, and North America.

Recent Quotes

  1. "I'm not just a musician, I'm a businessman. I'm a entrepreneur. I'm a philanthropist. I'm a lot of things." - D'banj in an interview with Pulse Nigeria.
  2. "My music is not just about entertainment, it's about inspiring people. It's about making a difference in people's lives." - D'banj in an interview with The Guardian Nigeria.

I hope this information is helpful!