Latest christian news worldwide

Here are some of the latest Christian news stories from around the world:


  1. Pope Francis calls for unity among Christians: Pope Francis has urged Christians to put aside their differences and work together to promote peace and justice in the world. (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  2. Christian persecution on the rise: A new report by Open Doors USA has found that Christian persecution has increased globally, with 245 million Christians facing high levels of persecution. (Source: Open Doors USA)
  3. Evangelical leaders meet with Trump: A group of evangelical leaders met with US President Donald Trump at the White House to discuss issues such as religious freedom and the Middle East peace process. (Source: Christianity Today)


  1. Nigeria's Christian community under attack: Christian communities in Nigeria have been targeted by militant groups, leading to widespread violence and displacement. (Source: Morning Star News)
  2. Kenya's Christians face persecution: Christians in Kenya are facing increasing persecution, with many facing violence and intimidation from radical Islamic groups. (Source: Christian Post)
  3. South Africa's Christian leaders call for unity: Christian leaders in South Africa have called for unity and reconciliation in the wake of widespread protests and violence. (Source: AllAfrica)


  1. China's Christian community under pressure: China's Christian community is facing increasing pressure from the government, with many churches being forced to close and Christians being arrested. (Source: BBC News)
  2. North Korea's Christians face brutal persecution: Christians in North Korea are facing brutal persecution, with many being sent to labor camps and tortured. (Source: Human Rights Watch)
  3. India's Christians face violence and intimidation: Christians in India are facing increasing violence and intimidation, with many being attacked by Hindu extremists. (Source: The Guardian)


  1. UK's Christian community under threat: The Christian community in the UK is facing a decline in numbers and a lack of support from the government. (Source: The Telegraph)
  2. France's Christian community under attack: Christian communities in France are facing increasing attacks, with many churches being vandalized and desecrated. (Source: Catholic News Agency)
  3. Germany's Christian leaders call for unity: Christian leaders in Germany have called for unity and cooperation in the face of increasing divisions and polarization. (Source: Deutsche Welle)


  1. US Christian community under attack: The Christian community in the US is facing increasing attacks, with many churches being vandalized and desecrated. (Source: Christianity Today)
  2. Mexico's Christian community under threat: Christians in Mexico are facing increasing violence and intimidation, with many being attacked by drug cartels and other criminal groups. (Source: Christian Post)
  3. Brazil's Christian leaders call for unity: Christian leaders in Brazil have called for unity and cooperation in the face of increasing divisions and polarization. (Source: Catholic News Agency)

These are just a few examples of the latest Christian news stories from around the world.