Latest christian news

Here are some of the latest Christian news stories:

Top Stories

  1. Pope Francis Appoints First African-American Cardinal: Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego as the first African-American cardinal in the history of the Catholic Church. (Source: CNN)
  2. Christian Persecution on the Rise: A new report by Open Doors USA reveals that Christian persecution has increased globally, with 245 million Christians facing high levels of persecution in 2020. (Source: Christianity Today)
  3. Evangelical Leaders Unite to Support Israel: A group of prominent evangelical leaders, including Franklin Graham and Robert Jeffress, have signed a statement expressing their support for Israel and condemning anti-Semitism. (Source: The Christian Post)

Church News

  1. Southern Baptist Convention Elects New President: The Southern Baptist Convention has elected Dr. Ed Litton as its new president, succeeding J.D. Greear. (Source: Baptist Press)
  2. Methodist Church Votes to Allow Same-Sex Marriage: The United Methodist Church has voted to allow same-sex marriage and the ordination of LGBTQ+ individuals in the denomination. (Source: The New York Times)
  3. Evangelical Church in China Celebrates 70th Anniversary: The China Christian Council and Three-Self Patriotic Movement, the official Protestant church in China, celebrated its 70th anniversary with a ceremony in Beijing. (Source: China Daily)

Mission and Ministry

  1. Missionaries Rescued from Captivity in Nigeria: A group of missionaries who were kidnapped in Nigeria have been rescued by security forces. (Source: Fox News)
  2. Christian Aid Organization Helps Victims of Cyclone Idai: Christian Aid has launched an emergency response to help victims of Cyclone Idai, which has affected millions of people in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. (Source: Christian Aid)
  3. Churches Unite to Support Refugees: A coalition of churches in the United States has launched a campaign to support refugees and asylum seekers, providing them with food, clothing, and other essential items. (Source: The Christian Post)

Other News

  1. Christian Musician Lauren Daigle Wins Multiple Grammys: Christian musician Lauren Daigle won multiple Grammy Awards, including Best Contemporary Christian Music Album and Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance. (Source: Billboard)
  2. Christian Author Tim Tebow Releases New Book: Christian author and former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow has released a new book, "Through My Eyes," which shares his story of faith and perseverance. (Source: CBN News)
  3. Christian Film "I Still Believe" Debuts at Box Office: The Christian film "I Still Believe," based on the true story of Christian musician Jeremy Camp, debuted at the box office, grossing over $9 million in its opening weekend. (Source: The Hollywood Reporter)

These are just a few of the latest Christian news stories. I hope this helps you stay informed about what's happening in the Christian world!