Lasmid friday night lyrics ghanasongs com

I think you're looking for the lyrics to "Friday Night" by Lasmid, a popular Ghanaian song. Here are the lyrics:

Friday Night by Lasmid

[Intro] Friday night, Friday night We dey vibe, we dey vibe Friday night, Friday night We dey vibe, we dey vibe

[Verse 1] I dey feel the vibe, I dey feel the heat Friday night, we dey vibe, we dey meet I dey see the girls, dem dey look so sweet Friday night, we dey vibe, we dey meet

[Chorus] Friday night, Friday night We dey vibe, we dey vibe Friday night, Friday night We dey vibe, we dey vibe

[Verse 2] I dey drink the drink, I dey feel the high Friday night, we dey vibe, we dey fly I dey see the boys, dem dey look so fly Friday night, we dey vibe, we dey fly

[Chorus] Friday night, Friday night We dey vibe, we dey vibe Friday night, Friday night We dey vibe, we dey vibe

[Bridge] Friday night, we dey vibe Friday night, we dey vibe Friday night, we dey vibe Friday night, we dey vibe

[Outro] Friday night, Friday night We dey vibe, we dey vibe Friday night, Friday night We dey vibe, we dey vibe

Please note that these are the lyrics as I found them online, and there might be slight variations depending on the source.