Largest companies in new hampshire

Here are some of the largest companies in New Hampshire, based on revenue, employee count, and industry:

  1. Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health (Lebanon, NH) - Healthcare
    • Revenue: $3.5 billion
    • Employees: 22,000
  2. Hypertherm (Hanover, NH) - Manufacturing
    • Revenue: $500 million
    • Employees: 1,500
  3. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics (Gorham, NH) - Manufacturing
    • Revenue: $400 million
    • Employees: 1,200
  4. BAE Systems (Nashua, NH) - Defense
    • Revenue: $300 million
    • Employees: 1,000
  5. FairPoint Communications (Charlottesville, NH) - Telecommunications
    • Revenue: $250 million
    • Employees: 1,500
  6. Northeast Delta Dental (Nashua, NH) - Healthcare
    • Revenue: $200 million
    • Employees: 500
  7. Bank of New Hampshire (Concord, NH) - Banking
    • Revenue: $150 million
    • Employees: 400
  8. New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp (Portsmouth, NH) - Banking
    • Revenue: $100 million
    • Employees: 300
  9. C&S Wholesale Grocers (Keene, NH) - Retail
    • Revenue: $80 million
    • Employees: 2,000
  10. Hannaford Supermarkets (Scarborough, ME, with headquarters in NH) - Retail
    • Revenue: $70 million
    • Employees: 1,500

Note: Revenue figures are estimates and may vary depending on the source. Employee counts are also estimates and may not reflect the most up-to-date numbers.

Other notable companies in New Hampshire include:

These companies are just a few examples of the many large and successful businesses operating in New Hampshire. The state's strong economy, highly educated workforce, and business-friendly environment make it an attractive location for companies across a range of industries.