Land border should remain closed for10 years farmers tell fg

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by farmers in Nigeria. According to the report, farmers in Nigeria are urging the Federal Government (FG) to keep the land border closed for at least 10 years to protect the country's agricultural sector.

The farmers' decision to make this request is likely due to the significant impact that the border closure has had on the agricultural sector. The closure of the land border with neighboring countries, particularly Benin and Niger, was implemented in August 2019 to curb the smuggling of goods, including rice, and to protect the country's agricultural industry.

The farmers believe that keeping the border closed for a longer period will help to:

  1. Protect the country's agricultural sector from foreign competition and smuggling.
  2. Allow Nigerian farmers to increase their production and productivity, thereby reducing the country's reliance on imported goods.
  3. Create jobs and stimulate economic growth in the agricultural sector.

However, it's worth noting that the border closure has also had negative impacts on the economy, including:

  1. Increased prices of goods, particularly food items, due to reduced supply.
  2. Job losses in the informal sector, particularly in the transportation and logistics industries.
  3. Reduced trade and economic activity between Nigeria and neighboring countries.

The Federal Government will need to carefully consider the farmers' request and weigh the pros and cons of keeping the border closed for a longer period. It may be necessary to implement measures to mitigate the negative impacts of the border closure and to ensure that the agricultural sector benefits from the closure.