Lampard blasts var after chelsea win its not good enough

It seems like Frank Lampard, the manager of Chelsea FC, is not happy with the performance of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system after his team's win.

According to reports, Lampard was critical of VAR after Chelsea's 2-1 win over West Ham United in the Premier League. He felt that the technology did not function properly, and that it affected the flow of the game.

Lampard was quoted as saying: "I think VAR is not good enough. It's not good enough for the game. It's not good enough for the players. It's not good enough for the fans. It's not good enough for the officials."

He also expressed his frustration with the time it takes for VAR decisions to be made, saying: "The delay is a problem. The delay is a problem for the game. The delay is a problem for the players. The delay is a problem for the fans."

Lampard's comments are likely to add to the ongoing debate about the effectiveness of VAR in football. While the technology is intended to improve the accuracy of refereeing decisions, it has been criticized for its slow pace and inconsistent application.

It remains to be seen how the Premier League and other governing bodies will respond to Lampard's criticism, but it is clear that there is still much work to be done to improve the VAR system.