Lai mohammed reveals what makes argungu festival significant to the world

I think there may be a mistake here. Lai Mohammed is the Minister of Information and Culture of Nigeria, and I'm assuming you meant to ask about the significance of the Argungu Fishing Festival, which is a cultural event in Nigeria.

If that's the case, here's what Lai Mohammed has said about the significance of the Argungu Fishing Festival:

The Argungu Fishing Festival is a significant cultural event in Nigeria, and it has been recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The festival is celebrated annually in Argungu, Kebbi State, and it showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Hausa people.

According to Lai Mohammed, the festival is significant because it promotes cultural diversity, unity, and economic development. He has said that the festival provides a platform for Nigerians to come together and celebrate their cultural heritage, and it also attracts tourists and investors to the country.

The festival is also significant because it highlights the importance of fishing as a means of livelihood for many people in Nigeria. The festival features a fishing competition, where fishermen from different parts of the country compete to catch the largest fish. This competition is a symbol of the importance of fishing in the country's economy and culture.

Overall, the Argungu Fishing Festival is a significant cultural event in Nigeria that promotes cultural diversity, unity, and economic development, and it is an important part of the country's cultural heritage.