Lagos state university latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates from Lagos State University (LASU):

Academic News

  1. LASU Announces Resumption Date for 2022/2023 Academic Session: The university has announced that students will resume on January 24, 2023, after a long break.
  2. LASU Releases 2022/2023 Admission List: The university has released the admission list for the 2022/2023 academic session. Candidates can check their admission status on the university's website.
  3. LASU Introduces New Programmes: The university has introduced new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in various fields, including medicine, law, and engineering.

Campus News

  1. LASU Students Protest Over Poor Power Supply: Students of the university have protested over the poor power supply on campus, calling on the authorities to address the issue.
  2. LASU Alumni Association Holds Annual Lecture: The LASU Alumni Association has held its annual lecture, featuring a keynote address by a renowned scholar.
  3. LASU Hosts International Conference on Sustainable Development: The university has hosted an international conference on sustainable development, featuring experts from around the world.

Research and Innovation News

  1. LASU Researchers Develop New Method for Treating Cancer: Researchers at the university have developed a new method for treating cancer, which has been hailed as a breakthrough in the field.
  2. LASU Partners with International Organization to Develop New Vaccine: The university has partnered with an international organization to develop a new vaccine against a deadly disease.
  3. LASU Researchers Win Award for Innovative Project: Researchers at the university have won an award for an innovative project that aims to improve healthcare in Nigeria.

Other News

  1. LASU Appoints New Vice-Chancellor: The university has appointed a new vice-chancellor, who will take over from the outgoing vice-chancellor on January 1, 2023.
  2. LASU Celebrates 40th Anniversary: The university is celebrating its 40th anniversary, with a series of events and activities planned to mark the occasion.
  3. LASU Partners with Private Company to Develop New Technology: The university has partnered with a private company to develop a new technology that aims to improve the lives of Nigerians.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates from Lagos State University. I hope this information is helpful!