Lagos state nysc coordinator appeals for new orientation camp #

Here is a possible appeal letter from the Lagos State NYSC Coordinator:


To the Honourable Minister of Youth and Sports Development, Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development, Abuja, Nigeria.

I am writing to humbly appeal to you to consider the request of the Lagos State Government to establish a new Orientation Camp for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in the state. As the Coordinator of the NYSC in Lagos State, I have had the privilege of serving the corps members and the state for several years, and I can attest to the numerous challenges we face in managing the existing camp.

The current Orientation Camp in Lagos State is located in the Iyana-Ipaja area of the state, which is already congested and lacks the necessary infrastructure to accommodate the increasing number of corps members. The camp is designed to accommodate about 3,000 corps members, but we often receive more than 4,000 corps members in a single batch. This has led to overcrowding, inadequate facilities, and a lack of comfort for the corps members.

Furthermore, the camp is located in a densely populated area, which poses a significant security risk to the corps members and the camp facilities. The proximity to the city also makes it challenging to maintain the necessary level of discipline and focus among the corps members.

In view of these challenges, I strongly believe that a new Orientation Camp in Lagos State would greatly improve the overall experience of the corps members and enhance the effectiveness of the NYSC program in the state. A new camp would provide a more conducive environment for the corps members to undergo their orientation, and would also enable us to provide better facilities and services to them.

I would like to propose that the new Orientation Camp be located in a more rural area, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. This would not only provide a more peaceful and serene environment for the corps members, but would also reduce the risk of security breaches and improve the overall safety of the camp.

I would like to assure you that the Lagos State Government is committed to providing the necessary resources and support to establish and maintain a new Orientation Camp. We have already identified a suitable location for the new camp, and we are willing to work with the Federal Government to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for considering my appeal. I am confident that a new Orientation Camp in Lagos State would greatly benefit the corps members and the state, and would contribute to the overall success of the NYSC program.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name] Lagos State NYSC Coordinator