Lagos state governor appoints acting state head of service

Here is a possible news article:

Lagos State Governor Appoints Acting State Head of Service

The Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has appointed a new Acting Head of Service for the state. The appointment was announced in a statement released by the Office of the Governor on [Date].

According to the statement, the new Acting Head of Service is [Name], a seasoned public servant with many years of experience in the civil service. [Name] takes over from [Name], who has been relieved of his duties as Head of Service.

The Governor congratulated the new Acting Head of Service on his appointment, saying that he was confident that [Name] would bring his wealth of experience and expertise to bear in the discharge of his new responsibilities. "I am pleased to appoint [Name] as the Acting Head of Service of Lagos State," the Governor said. "I have no doubt that he will continue to serve the state with dedication and commitment."

The Acting Head of Service is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day administration of the state's civil service, as well as advising the Governor on matters related to the civil service. He is also responsible for implementing the Governor's policies and programs, and ensuring that the state's civil service is efficient and effective.

The appointment of the Acting Head of Service is subject to the confirmation of the Lagos State House of Assembly.


Please note that this is just a sample news article and may not reflect real events or individuals.