Lagos shuts churches mosques noise

It seems like you're referring to a recent development in Lagos, Nigeria. According to reports, the Lagos State Government has banned the use of loudspeakers in churches and mosques in the state, effective from January 2023.

The decision was made to curb noise pollution and ensure a more peaceful environment for residents. The government has also warned that any church or mosque found violating the ban will face penalties, including fines and even closure.

This move has sparked mixed reactions from the public, with some supporting the decision to reduce noise pollution, while others have expressed concerns about the impact on religious freedom and the ability of religious institutions to carry out their activities.

It's worth noting that this ban is not unique to Lagos, as other cities and states in Nigeria have also implemented similar measures to address noise pollution.

What are your thoughts on this development? Do you think the ban is necessary to reduce noise pollution, or do you think it infringes on religious freedom?