Lagos passes amotekun bill into law

I think there may be some confusion here.

Amotekun is a security outfit established by the Southwest governors in Nigeria, comprising Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, and Ekiti states. It was created to combat kidnapping, banditry, and other security challenges in the region.

However, Lagos State is not part of the Southwest region, and therefore, it did not pass the Amotekun bill into law. Lagos State is part of the South-Western region of Nigeria, but it has its own unique security architecture and laws.

The Amotekun bill was passed into law by the Oyo State House of Assembly in May 2020, and subsequently by the other Southwest states. The bill was signed into law by the governors of the respective states, including Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, and Ekiti.

So, to clarify, Lagos State did not pass the Amotekun bill into law, as it is not part of the Southwest region and has its own separate security arrangements.