Lagos new city

You're referring to the new city being built in Lagos, Nigeria!

The Lagos New City, also known as the Eko Atlantic City, is a planned city being developed on a man-made island off the coast of Lagos, Nigeria. The project is a massive urban development initiative aimed at creating a new city that can accommodate up to 250,000 residents and 150,000 workers.

Here are some key facts about the Lagos New City:

  1. Location: The city is being built on a 9.2 square kilometer artificial island, created by reclaiming land from the Atlantic Ocean.
  2. Design: The city is designed to be a sustainable, eco-friendly, and resilient urban center, with a focus on green spaces, renewable energy, and flood-resistant infrastructure.
  3. Infrastructure: The city will have a comprehensive infrastructure, including roads, public transportation, schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and recreational facilities.
  4. Economic hub: The Lagos New City is expected to become a major economic hub, with a focus on finance, technology, and innovation.
  5. Residential areas: The city will have a mix of residential areas, including apartments, townhouses, and single-family homes, catering to different income levels and lifestyles.
  6. Commercial areas: The city will have commercial areas, including office spaces, shopping centers, and entertainment venues.
  7. Environmental sustainability: The city is designed to be environmentally sustainable, with features such as green roofs, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient buildings.
  8. Flood protection: The city is designed to be flood-resistant, with a high wall and a drainage system to protect against flooding.
  9. Partnerships: The Lagos New City project is a public-private partnership between the Lagos State Government, the Eko Atlantic City Development Company, and other private investors.
  10. Timeline: The project is expected to be completed in phases, with the first phase expected to be completed by 2025.

The Lagos New City is an ambitious project that aims to transform the city of Lagos and create a new hub for economic growth and development in West Africa.