Lagos new buses

You're referring to the new buses introduced in Lagos, Nigeria!

In recent years, the Lagos State Government has introduced several new bus models to improve public transportation in the city. Here are some of the notable ones:

  1. BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Buses: The Lagos State Government launched the BRT system in 2008, which features dedicated bus lanes and modern buses. The BRT buses are designed to reduce congestion and improve travel times.
  2. Lagos Bus Rapid Transit (Lagos BRT) Mark II: In 2015, the government introduced the Mark II version of the BRT buses, which are larger and more comfortable than the original ones.
  3. Lagos Metroline Buses: In 2019, the government launched the Lagos Metroline buses, which are designed to operate on a dedicated bus lane along the Lagos-Badagry Expressway.
  4. Lagos State Government's New Bus Fleet: In 2020, the government introduced a new fleet of buses, which are designed to improve public transportation in the state. The new buses are equipped with modern amenities, including air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and comfortable seating.

Some of the features of the new buses in Lagos include:

The introduction of these new buses is part of the Lagos State Government's efforts to improve public transportation in the city and reduce traffic congestion.