Lagos inaugurates new community development advisory council

Lagos State Inaugurates New Community Development Advisory Council

The Lagos State Government has inaugurated a new Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC) to enhance community development and participation in the state's development process. The council is expected to provide a platform for community leaders, stakeholders, and residents to contribute to the development of their communities.

Key Objectives of the CDAC

The CDAC is established to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Community Engagement: To promote community engagement and participation in the development process, ensuring that the needs and aspirations of communities are taken into account.
  2. Community Development: To identify and prioritize community development projects, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to meet the needs of communities.
  3. Conflict Resolution: To provide a platform for resolving conflicts and addressing grievances within communities, promoting peace and stability.
  4. Capacity Building: To build the capacity of community leaders and stakeholders to effectively manage community development projects and initiatives.

Composition of the CDAC

The CDAC is composed of representatives from various stakeholders, including:

  1. Community Leaders: Elected community leaders, traditional rulers, and religious leaders.
  2. Stakeholders: Representatives from civil society organizations, community-based organizations, and private sector organizations.
  3. Government Officials: Representatives from the Lagos State Government, including the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs, Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development.

Inaugural Meeting

The inaugural meeting of the CDAC was attended by the Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, who emphasized the importance of community development and participation in the state's development process. The Governor also urged the council to work collaboratively with the government to identify and address the needs of communities.

Benefits of the CDAC

The establishment of the CDAC is expected to bring numerous benefits to the people of Lagos State, including:

  1. Improved Community Development: The CDAC will ensure that community development projects are prioritized and implemented effectively, addressing the needs of communities.
  2. Increased Community Participation: The council will provide a platform for community leaders and stakeholders to participate in the development process, ensuring that their voices are heard.
  3. Enhanced Community Engagement: The CDAC will promote community engagement and participation, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among community members.

Overall, the establishment of the CDAC is a significant step towards promoting community development and participation in Lagos State, and is expected to have a positive impact on the lives of residents in the state.