Lagos ibadan rail coronavirus outbreak cause of delay nrc boss

It seems like you're asking about the Lagos-Ibadan rail project and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its completion. Here's what I found:

Lagos-Ibadan Rail Project: The Lagos-Ibadan rail project is a 156-kilometer standard-gauge railway line that connects Lagos to Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State in Nigeria. The project is being executed by the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) and is expected to improve transportation and economic activities in the region.

Coronavirus Outbreak and Delay: The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed caused delays in the completion of the Lagos-Ibadan rail project. In March 2020, the NRC suspended work on the project due to the outbreak, citing the need to protect workers and prevent the spread of the virus.

Cause of Delay: The NRC has attributed the delay to several factors, including:

  1. COVID-19 Pandemic: The pandemic has disrupted global supply chains, leading to delays in the delivery of materials and equipment needed for the project.
  2. Funding Challenges: The project has faced funding challenges, which have slowed down its progress.
  3. Infrastructure Challenges: The project has encountered infrastructure challenges, including the need to relocate utilities and clear land for the rail line.

NRC Boss's Comments: In an interview, the Managing Director of the NRC, Fidet Okhiria, attributed the delay to the pandemic and funding challenges. He stated that the NRC is working to overcome these challenges and complete the project as soon as possible.

Current Status: As of my knowledge cutoff, the Lagos-Ibadan rail project is still ongoing, and the NRC is working to complete it as soon as possible. However, the exact completion date has not been announced.

I hope this information helps!