Lagos govt seals 309 health facilities in 2019

According to reports, the Lagos State Government sealed a total of 309 health facilities in 2019 for various infractions and non-compliance with regulatory standards.

The facilities, which included private and public hospitals, clinics, and maternity homes, were sealed by the Lagos State Ministry of Health and the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) for violating various health regulations.

Some of the reasons for the sealing of the facilities included:

  1. Lack of registration and licensing: Many of the facilities were found to be operating without proper registration and licensing from the relevant authorities.
  2. Poor sanitation and hygiene: Some facilities were found to be in a state of disrepair, with poor sanitation and hygiene conditions that posed a risk to patients and staff.
  3. Inadequate equipment and supplies: Some facilities were found to be lacking in essential equipment and supplies, which compromised the quality of care provided to patients.
  4. Unqualified staff: Some facilities were found to have unqualified staff, including doctors and nurses, who were not properly trained or certified to provide medical care.
  5. Illegal operations: Some facilities were found to be operating illegally, including those that were not licensed to operate in the state.

The sealing of these facilities was part of the Lagos State Government's efforts to ensure that healthcare facilities in the state meet minimum standards of quality and safety. The government also provided support to the affected facilities to help them rectify the issues and reopen.

It's worth noting that the Lagos State Government has been taking steps to improve the healthcare system in the state, including increasing funding for healthcare, improving infrastructure, and strengthening regulatory oversight.