Lagos explosion destroys over 50 houses says nema chief

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Breaking News: Lagos Explosion Destroys Over 50 Houses, Says NEMA Chief

A devastating explosion that rocked a residential area in Lagos, Nigeria has left a trail of destruction, with over 50 houses destroyed, according to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) Chief.

The explosion, which occurred in the early hours of [date], was reportedly caused by a gas leak at a nearby gas station. The blast sent shockwaves through the neighborhood, causing widespread damage and panic among residents.

According to eyewitnesses, the explosion was so powerful that it shattered windows, destroyed roofs, and left many people injured. Many residents were forced to flee their homes, seeking shelter elsewhere.

NEMA Chief, [Name], confirmed the extent of the damage, saying that over 50 houses were destroyed, with many more affected. "We are working to provide assistance to those affected by the explosion," he said. "Our teams are on the ground, providing medical care to the injured and providing shelter to those who have been displaced."

The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, but officials say that a gas leak at a nearby gas station is believed to be the likely cause.

The explosion has sent shockwaves through the community, with many residents expressing shock and disbelief at the scale of the destruction. "I was sleeping when I heard the explosion," said one resident. "I thought it was the end of the world. I'm just grateful to be alive."

The incident is a stark reminder of the importance of safety and emergency preparedness in Nigeria. As the country continues to grapple with the aftermath of the explosion, officials are urging residents to remain calm and to follow all instructions from emergency responders.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.