Kwara polytechnic denies rumours hike fee

Here is a possible response:

Kwara Polytechnic Denies Rumors of Fee Hike

The Management of Kwara State Polytechnic has denied rumors circulating on social media and other platforms that the institution has increased its tuition fees.

In a statement issued by the Public Relations Officer of the polytechnic, Mr. Ahmed Ayinla, the institution clarified that there has been no decision to hike fees for the 2022/2023 academic session.

According to the statement, the management of the polytechnic is committed to providing quality education to its students at an affordable cost, and any changes to the fee structure would be communicated to the public through official channels.

The statement urged students, parents, and the general public to disregard the rumors and avoid spreading misinformation.

"We want to assure our students, parents, and the general public that the management of Kwara State Polytechnic is committed to providing quality education at an affordable cost. We will continue to work hard to ensure that our students receive the best education possible," the statement said.

The polytechnic's decision to deny the rumors is a welcome development, as it will help to alleviate the concerns of students and parents who may have been worried about the impact of a fee hike on their academic pursuits.

It is essential for institutions of higher learning to maintain transparency and communicate effectively with their stakeholders to avoid spreading misinformation and causing unnecessary anxiety.