Kwara assembly passes 4 amendment bills

According to reports, the Kwara State House of Assembly has passed four amendment bills aimed at strengthening the state's legislative framework and improving governance.

The amendment bills, which were passed during a plenary session of the Assembly, are:

  1. The Kwara State House of Assembly Service Commission (Amendment) Bill 2022: This bill seeks to amend the existing law establishing the Kwara State House of Assembly Service Commission, with the aim of strengthening the commission's functions and responsibilities.
  2. The Kwara State Independent Electoral Commission (Amendment) Bill 2022: This bill aims to amend the existing law establishing the Kwara State Independent Electoral Commission, with the aim of improving the commission's operations and ensuring the conduct of free and fair elections in the state.
  3. The Kwara State Local Government (Amendment) Bill 2022: This bill seeks to amend the existing law governing the administration of local governments in Kwara State, with the aim of strengthening the autonomy of local governments and improving their financial management.
  4. The Kwara State Public Procurement (Amendment) Bill 2022: This bill aims to amend the existing law governing public procurement in Kwara State, with the aim of promoting transparency and accountability in the procurement process and ensuring value for money in government contracts.

The passage of these amendment bills is seen as a significant step towards strengthening the legislative framework in Kwara State and improving governance in the state.