Kumasi ghana news

Here are some recent news updates from Kumasi, Ghana:

Local News

  1. Kumasi City Mall to be completed by end of 2023: The Kumasi City Mall, a major shopping complex under construction in the heart of Kumasi, is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The mall will feature a cinema, restaurants, and retail shops. (Source: GhanaWeb)
  2. Kumasi to host 2023 National Science and Technology Fair: The 2023 National Science and Technology Fair will be held in Kumasi, with the theme "Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development". The event aims to promote science and technology education among students. (Source: Graphic Online)
  3. Kumasi-based company wins award for innovative agricultural technology: A Kumasi-based company, AgroTech Ghana, has won an award for its innovative agricultural technology that helps farmers monitor and manage their crops remotely. (Source: Ghana Business News)

National News

  1. Government to establish new university in Kumasi: The government has announced plans to establish a new university in Kumasi, which will focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. (Source: MyJoyOnline)
  2. Kumasi to benefit from $100 million World Bank project: The World Bank has approved a $100 million project to improve the water and sanitation infrastructure in Kumasi and other cities in Ghana. (Source: Ghana News Agency)
  3. Kumasi-based musician wins prestigious music award: A Kumasi-based musician, KiDi, has won the Best Male Artist award at the 2022 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards. (Source: GhanaWeb)

International News

  1. Kumasi to host international conference on sustainable development: The city of Kumasi will host an international conference on sustainable development, which will bring together experts from around the world to discuss ways to achieve sustainable development. (Source: Ghana News Agency)
  2. Kumasi-based company partners with international firm to develop new technology: A Kumasi-based company, TechCorp Ghana, has partnered with an international firm to develop a new technology that aims to improve healthcare services in Ghana. (Source: Ghana Business News)

These are just a few of the latest news updates from Kumasi, Ghana. I hope you find them informative and interesting!