Kuccps support and contacts http students kuccps net

Here are the support and contact details for KUCCPS (Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service) for students:

Contact Information:

Support Services:

  1. Placement Support: For students who need assistance with course placement, you can contact the Placement Support Team at [email protected] or call +254 020 2717001.
  2. Admission Support: For students who need help with admission procedures, you can contact the Admission Support Team at [email protected] or call +254 020 2717002.
  3. Student Support: For general student inquiries, you can contact the Student Support Team at [email protected] or call +254 020 2717003.
  4. Technical Support: For technical issues with the KUCCPS online portal or other systems, you can contact the Technical Support Team at [email protected] or call +254 020 2717004.

Physical Address:

Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) P.O. Box 65929 - 00800 Nairobi, Kenya

Working Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Social Media:

KUCCPS is also available on social media platforms, where you can reach out to them for support and updates:

Remember to always verify the authenticity of any communication or request for personal or financial information from KUCCPS or any other organization.