Kollington ayinla new album

Kollington Ayinla is a legendary Nigerian musician, and I'm happy to help you with information about his new album.

As of my knowledge cutoff, Kollington Ayinla has not released a new album recently. However, I can suggest some ways for you to stay updated on his latest music releases:

  1. Follow Kollington Ayinla on social media: You can follow him on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to stay updated on his latest news, music releases, and upcoming shows.
  2. Check online music stores: You can check online music stores like iTunes, Apple Music, or Spotify to see if Kollington Ayinla has released any new music recently.
  3. Look for music blogs and websites: Music blogs and websites like NotJustOk, NaijaMusic, or TooXclusive often feature news and updates on Nigerian music, including new album releases.
  4. Attend his concerts or shows: If Kollington Ayinla is scheduled to perform at a concert or show in your area, you can attend and ask about his latest music releases.

If you're interested in exploring his discography, Kollington Ayinla has a vast collection of albums and singles across various genres, including fuji, apala, and juju music. Some of his popular albums include "Omo Oba", "Oro Omo", and "Aje Omo Aje".

Please note that the music industry is constantly evolving, and new music releases can happen at any time. I recommend keeping an eye on Kollington Ayinla's social media accounts or music blogs for the latest updates on his music releases.