Kogi workers resume strike unpaid salaries

Here's a summary of the situation:

Kogi Workers Resume Strike Over Unpaid Salaries

Workers in Kogi State, Nigeria, have resumed their strike action after the state government failed to meet their demands for payment of outstanding salaries. The strike, which began on January 27, was called off temporarily after a meeting between the state government and the workers' union, but it has now been resumed.


The workers, who are members of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), have been demanding payment of salaries owed to them by the Kogi State Government. The government owes the workers several months of salaries, with some workers having not received payment for over a year.

Reasons for the Strike

The workers are protesting the non-payment of their salaries, which they say has led to severe hardship and suffering for them and their families. They are also demanding the implementation of the new minimum wage, which was signed into law by the President in 2019.

Government Response

The Kogi State Government has been accused of not taking the workers' demands seriously, and has been criticized for its handling of the situation. The government has offered to pay the workers in installments, but the workers have rejected this offer, saying it is not a sustainable solution.

Impact of the Strike

The strike has had a significant impact on the state's economy, with many businesses and services affected. The strike has also led to protests and demonstrations by the workers, who are demanding justice and fair treatment from the government.

Next Steps

The workers have vowed to continue their strike until their demands are met. The government has been urged to take the workers' demands seriously and to find a solution to the crisis. The situation remains tense, with both sides refusing to back down.