Kogi salary news

You're looking for news about Kogi State salary issues!

As of my knowledge cutoff, here are some recent updates:

  1. Kogi State Government owes workers 22 months' salary arrears: In October 2022, the Kogi State Government was reported to owe its workers 22 months' salary arrears, with some workers receiving only 50% of their salaries. This has led to widespread protests and calls for the government to settle the outstanding salaries.
  2. Governor Yahaya Bello promises to pay outstanding salaries: In November 2022, Governor Yahaya Bello promised to pay the outstanding salaries of Kogi State workers, stating that the government was working to resolve the issue. However, the exact timeline for payment has not been announced.
  3. Kogi State Assembly passes budget with provision for salary payment: In December 2022, the Kogi State House of Assembly passed a budget that included a provision for the payment of outstanding salaries to workers. The budget also allocated funds for the payment of pension arrears and other financial obligations.
  4. Workers threaten strike action: In January 2023, workers in Kogi State threatened to go on strike if their outstanding salaries were not paid by the end of January. The workers, who are members of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), have been demanding the payment of their salaries for several months.

Please note that these updates are subject to change, and I recommend checking reputable news sources for the latest information on this issue.

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