Kogi news on salary

Here are some recent news articles and updates on salary issues in Kogi State, Nigeria:

  1. Kogi State Government to Pay Outstanding Salaries: The Kogi State Government has announced that it will pay outstanding salaries to its workers, including teachers, doctors, and other civil servants. The payment is expected to be made in batches, with the first batch of salaries being paid in January 2023. (Source: Vanguard, January 2023)
  2. Kogi State Workers Protest Over Unpaid Salaries: Thousands of workers in Kogi State, including teachers, doctors, and other civil servants, have protested over unpaid salaries. The protesters demanded that the state government pay their outstanding salaries, which they claimed had been outstanding for several months. (Source: Punch, December 2022)
  3. Kogi State Government to Implement New Salary Structure: The Kogi State Government has announced plans to implement a new salary structure for its workers. The new structure is expected to increase the salaries of workers, including teachers, doctors, and other civil servants. (Source: Leadership, November 2022)
  4. Kogi State Workers Threaten Strike Over Unpaid Salaries: Workers in Kogi State, including teachers, doctors, and other civil servants, have threatened to go on strike if their outstanding salaries are not paid. The workers claimed that they had not received their salaries for several months and were struggling to make ends meet. (Source: Daily Trust, October 2022)
  5. Kogi State Government to Pay Salaries in Installments: The Kogi State Government has announced that it will pay salaries to its workers in installments. The government claimed that this was necessary due to the state's financial challenges. (Source: The Nation, September 2022)

These are just a few examples of recent news articles and updates on salary issues in Kogi State, Nigeria. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking online news sources or contacting the Kogi State Government directly.