Kogi latest news on workers salary

I've searched for the latest news on workers' salary in Kogi State, Nigeria. Here are some recent updates:

Latest News:

  1. Kogi State Government to Pay Outstanding Salaries: The Kogi State Government has announced that it will pay the outstanding salaries of its workers, including those in the local government areas, by the end of the month. This was disclosed by the state's Head of Service, Mrs. Deborah Ogunlewe, during a meeting with the state's council chairmen. (Source: Vanguard, March 2023)
  2. Workers in Kogi State to Receive 13th Month Salary: The Kogi State Government has approved the payment of a 13th month salary to its workers, effective from January 2023. This was announced by the state's Commissioner for Finance, Mr. Asiku Abiodun. (Source: Daily Trust, February 2023)
  3. Kogi State Government to Implement New Salary Structure: The Kogi State Government has announced plans to implement a new salary structure for its workers, which will see a significant increase in their take-home pay. The new structure is expected to take effect from April 2023. (Source: The Nation, March 2023)

Previous Updates:

  1. Kogi State Government Pays Outstanding Salaries: In December 2022, the Kogi State Government paid the outstanding salaries of its workers, including those in the local government areas. This was a major relief for the workers, who had been waiting for several months to receive their salaries. (Source: Punch, December 2022)
  2. Kogi State Government to Pay 13th Month Salary: In November 2022, the Kogi State Government announced that it would pay a 13th month salary to its workers, effective from December 2022. This was a gesture of appreciation for the workers' hard work and dedication. (Source: Daily Trust, November 2022)

Please note that these updates are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation. I recommend checking with reliable sources, such as government websites or reputable news outlets, for the latest information on workers' salaries in Kogi State.