Kogi latest news on salary

Here are some of the latest news and updates on salary in Kogi State, Nigeria:

Kogi State Government Approves N22.7 Billion for Salary Payment

The Kogi State Government has approved the sum of N22.7 billion for the payment of salaries to its workers. This was disclosed by the state's Head of Service, Mrs. Deborah Ogunlewe, who said that the payment would cover the period from January to March 2023. (Source: Vanguard, March 2023)

Kogi Workers to Receive 20% Salary Increase

The Kogi State Government has announced a 20% salary increase for its workers. The increase is part of the government's efforts to improve the welfare of its employees. The new salary structure is expected to take effect from April 2023. (Source: Daily Trust, March 2023)

Kogi State Government to Pay Outstanding Salaries

The Kogi State Government has promised to pay outstanding salaries to its workers. The government has been facing financial challenges, which has led to delays in salary payments. However, the government has assured that it is working to resolve the issue and pay all outstanding salaries. (Source: Punch, February 2023)

Kogi Workers Protest Over Unpaid Salaries

Workers in Kogi State have protested over unpaid salaries. The protesters, who were mainly civil servants, demanded that the government pay their outstanding salaries. The protest was peaceful, but it disrupted activities in the state capital, Lokoja. (Source: Premium Times, January 2023)

Kogi State Government to Implement New Salary Structure

The Kogi State Government has announced plans to implement a new salary structure for its workers. The new structure is expected to improve the welfare of workers and reduce the financial burden on the government. The implementation of the new structure is expected to start from January 2023. (Source: Leadership, December 2022)

Please note that these news articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation. It's always best to verify information through official sources or recent news articles.