Kogi government tasks tertiary institutions on revenue generation

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Kogi Government Tasks Tertiary Institutions on Revenue Generation

The Kogi State Government has tasked tertiary institutions in the state to generate revenue and reduce their dependence on government subventions. This was disclosed by the Commissioner for Tertiary Education, Science and Technology, Hon. Wemi Jones, during a meeting with the management of the institutions.

According to Jones, the government is committed to supporting the institutions, but it is also important for them to be self-sufficient and generate revenue to fund their activities. He emphasized that the institutions should explore alternative sources of funding, such as partnerships with private organizations, grants, and endowments.

The Commissioner also urged the institutions to diversify their revenue streams, including through the sale of goods and services, and to invest in income-generating projects. He noted that the government is willing to provide support and guidance to the institutions as they work towards achieving this goal.

The meeting was attended by the management of the Kogi State University, Kogi State Polytechnic, and Confluence University of Science and Technology, among others.

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