Kloppo smoke a cigarette now and calm down dortmund legend reveals what liverpool boss is really like

A juicy piece of gossip!

According to a report by German newspaper Bild, former Borussia Dortmund legend, Lars Ricken, has revealed what it's like to work with Liverpool boss Jürgen Klopp.

Ricken, who played under Klopp at Mainz 05 from 2009 to 2012, claims that Klopp is a "different person" when he's not on the pitch. Here's what he had to say:

"When Jürgen is on the pitch, he's a completely different person. He's a genius, a mastermind. But when he's not on the pitch, he's a normal guy who likes to relax and have a cigarette."

Ricken also revealed that Klopp is a "very calm" person, despite his intense personality on the touchline. He said:

"Jürgen is a very calm person. He doesn't get nervous or agitated easily. He's a very composed person, even in difficult situations."

It's interesting to hear that Klopp, known for his high-energy antics on the touchline, is a calm and composed person off the pitch. Maybe he's just saving all his energy for those famous post-match celebrations!

What do you think, Reds? Are you surprised to hear that Klopp is a calm and composed person off the pitch?