Kiss daniel new song 2020

Kiss Daniel, a Nigerian singer and songwriter, has released several new songs in 2020. Here are a few of his latest tracks:

  1. "Jiya" - Released in January 2020, "Jiya" is a soulful love song that showcases Kiss Daniel's vocal range and emotional delivery.
  2. "4Dayz" - This upbeat track was released in March 2020 and features a catchy chorus and a blend of Afrobeats and R&B influences.
  3. "Shoye" - Released in May 2020, "Shoye" is a high-energy song with a strong beat and a memorable hook.
  4. "No Do" - This song was released in June 2020 and features a more laid-back, atmospheric sound with a focus on Kiss Daniel's vocal delivery.
  5. "Oluwa" - Released in August 2020, "Oluwa" is a spiritual song that showcases Kiss Daniel's vocal range and emotional delivery.

These are just a few of Kiss Daniel's new songs in 2020. You can find more of his music on streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music.