Kiss daniel new music download

Kiss Daniel is a talented Nigerian singer and songwriter, and I'd be happy to help you with his new music downloads!

As of now, Kiss Daniel has released several new songs and albums, and I'll provide you with some of his latest tracks and albums that you can download:

New Songs:

  1. "Jiya" (2020) - This is a beautiful love song that showcases Kiss Daniel's vocal range and emotional delivery.
  2. "4Dayz" (2020) - This is an upbeat, energetic track that features Kiss Daniel's signature Afro-pop sound.
  3. "One Ticket" (2017) - This is a popular song that features Davido and has a catchy, danceable beat.


  1. "No Bad Songz" (2018) - This is Kiss Daniel's debut studio album, which features 17 tracks, including some of his popular songs like "Yeba" and "For You".
  2. "Evolution" (2020) - This is Kiss Daniel's second studio album, which features 16 tracks, including some of his latest hits like "Jiya" and "4Dayz".

Where to Download:

You can download Kiss Daniel's music from various online platforms, including:

  1. iTunes
  2. Apple Music
  3. Spotify
  4. Google Play Music
  5. Amazon Music
  6. YouTube Music

Note: Make sure to download from authorized sources to ensure you're getting high-quality music and supporting the artist.

Enjoy Kiss Daniel's music!