King world news

King World News (KWN) is a popular financial news and commentary website founded by King World News LLC, a company based in Florida, USA. The website was launched in 2009 and has since become a leading source of news, analysis, and commentary on the global economy, markets, and geopolitics.

KWN features a wide range of content, including:

  1. News articles: KWN publishes news articles on various topics, including economics, finance, politics, and geopolitics.
  2. Interviews: KWN conducts exclusive interviews with prominent figures in the financial industry, including economists, investors, and business leaders.
  3. Analysis: KWN provides in-depth analysis and commentary on market trends, economic indicators, and geopolitical events.
  4. Market commentary: KWN offers real-time market commentary and analysis from its team of experts.
  5. Audio interviews: KWN also publishes audio interviews with prominent figures in the financial industry.

Some of the notable contributors to KWN include:

  1. Jim Sinclair: A well-known gold expert and founder of JS Mineset.
  2. David Morgan: A precious metals expert and founder of The Morgan Report.
  3. Gerald Celente: A trend forecaster and founder of The Trends Research Institute.
  4. Eric Sprott: A Canadian investor and founder of Sprott Asset Management.
  5. Rick Rule: A natural resource investor and founder of Sprott Global Resource Investments.

KWN is known for its contrarian views and its focus on alternative perspectives on the global economy and markets. The website has a large following among investors, traders, and financial professionals, and is widely respected for its in-depth analysis and commentary.

However, it's worth noting that KWN has been criticized by some for its sensationalist headlines and alarmist tone, as well as its tendency to promote conspiracy theories and alternative views on the economy and markets. As with any financial news source, it's essential to approach KWN's content with a critical eye and to verify information through multiple sources before making investment decisions.