Kim kardashian visits white house with prisoners she helped free

I'm not aware of any information that suggests Kim Kardashian visited the White House with prisoners she helped free. However, Kim Kardashian has been involved in several high-profile prison reform efforts and has used her platform to advocate for criminal justice reform.

In 2018, Kim Kardashian West visited the White House to meet with President Donald Trump and advocate for the release of Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old great-grandmother who was serving a life sentence for a non-violent drug offense. After meeting with Trump, Johnson was granted clemency and released from prison.

Kim Kardashian West has also worked with the Justice Department and the White House to advocate for criminal justice reform and to help people who have been wrongly convicted or are serving excessive sentences. She has also used her platform to raise awareness about the issues facing women and minorities in the criminal justice system.

It's possible that Kim Kardashian West may have visited the White House again to discuss her work on criminal justice reform or to advocate for the release of other prisoners, but I'm not aware of any specific information about such a visit.