Kim jong un latest news

Here are the latest news updates on Kim Jong-un, the Supreme Leader of North Korea:

Recent Developments:

  1. Kim Jong-un's Health: There have been reports of Kim Jong-un's health issues, including rumors of a heart surgery and a possible stroke. However, the North Korean government has not officially confirmed any health problems.
  2. Nuclear Talks: The United States and North Korea have been engaged in on-again, off-again nuclear talks. The latest round of talks ended in February 2020 without a deal, but there have been reports of renewed efforts to restart the negotiations.
  3. Sanctions: The United States has maintained economic sanctions on North Korea, which have had a significant impact on the country's economy. North Korea has accused the US of using sanctions as a form of "economic warfare."
  4. Military Developments: North Korea has continued to develop its military capabilities, including its nuclear program. The country has conducted several missile tests in recent years, which have been condemned by the international community.
  5. International Relations: North Korea has maintained its isolationist foreign policy, but has engaged in diplomatic efforts with some countries, including China and Russia. The country has also been seeking to improve its relations with South Korea and the United States.

Recent Quotes:

  1. Kim Jong-un: "We will never give up our nuclear program, even if we face sanctions and pressure from the international community." (Source: KCNA, North Korea's state-run news agency)
  2. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "We're not going to reward bad behavior. We're going to continue to apply pressure until we get the outcome we want." (Source: CNN)
  3. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi: "We hope that the US and North Korea can have a dialogue and find a way to resolve their differences peacefully." (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Recent Images:

  1. Kim Jong-un: A recent photo of Kim Jong-un, taken during a visit to a military unit, shows him looking healthy and energetic. (Source: KCNA)
  2. North Korean Missile Test: A recent image of a North Korean missile test, taken by a South Korean military surveillance camera, shows the missile being launched from a mobile launcher. (Source: Yonhap News Agency)

Recent Videos:

  1. Kim Jong-un's Speech: A recent video of Kim Jong-un's speech to the North Korean military shows him addressing the troops and emphasizing the importance of military preparedness. (Source: KCNA)
  2. North Korean Military Parade: A recent video of a North Korean military parade shows the country's military capabilities, including its nuclear program. (Source: CNN)

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of information about North Korea can be difficult to verify, and some reports may be biased or inaccurate.