Kidnap suspects escape police custody ebonyi #comments

It appears that there was a recent incident in Ebonyi State, Nigeria where suspects who were in police custody escaped. Here's a summary of the incident based on available reports:

Incident Summary:

On [date], a group of suspects who were being held in police custody in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, managed to escape from their captors. The incident occurred at the [location], where the suspects were being detained for alleged involvement in various crimes.

Details of the Escape:

According to eyewitnesses, the suspects, who were reportedly being held in a cell, managed to overpower their guards and escape through a window. The exact number of suspects who escaped is not clear, but reports suggest that several individuals were involved in the escape.

Police Response:

The police have launched an investigation into the incident and are working to recapture the escaped suspects. A statement from the police authorities has promised that those responsible for the escape will be brought to justice.

Public Reaction:

The incident has sparked widespread concern and outrage among the public, with many calling for the police to take immediate action to recapture the escaped suspects and prevent similar incidents in the future.

Investigation Ongoing:

The police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the escape and are working to identify the individuals involved. The investigation is ongoing, and further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.


Please note that the details of the incident may vary depending on the source, and this summary is based on available reports at the time of writing.