Khaya magadlas dad shares hurt he felt from authorities searching for son

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a story about Khaya Magadlas, a young man who was involved in a situation where authorities searched for him. His father, who is also named Khaya Magadlas, is sharing his feelings about the experience.

From what I understand, the father is expressing the hurt and pain he felt as a parent when he saw his son being searched for by authorities. He is likely feeling a mix of emotions, including worry, fear, and sadness, as any parent would in a similar situation.

It's understandable that the father would feel this way, as parents often feel a deep sense of responsibility and concern for their children's well-being. The fact that authorities were searching for his son would have likely caused him a great deal of anxiety and stress.

I'm not sure what specific circumstances led to the authorities searching for Khaya Magadlas, but it's clear that the experience had a profound impact on his father. It's important for parents to be able to express their emotions and feelings in situations like this, as it can help them process and cope with the stress and anxiety that comes with it.

If you have any more information or context about the story, I'd be happy to help you understand it better.