Kepa has to be stronger mentally in order to turn chelsea career around zola

I think there may be a few issues with your statement!

Firstly, Kepa Arrizabalaga is a goalkeeper, not a player who needs to be mentally strong to turn around a team's career. While mental toughness is important for any athlete, it's not directly applicable to a goalkeeper's role.

Secondly, Kepa is already a professional goalkeeper who has played for top-tier clubs like Chelsea and Athletic Bilbao. He has likely developed the mental toughness and resilience needed to perform at a high level.

Lastly, it's not entirely accurate to say that Kepa needs to turn Chelsea's career around. Chelsea is a professional football club with a team of players, coaches, and staff working together to achieve success. While individual players can have an impact on the team's performance, it's not solely dependent on one player's mental strength.

That being said, it's possible that you're referring to Kepa's recent form or performance, which has been criticized by some fans and pundits. In that case, it's true that Kepa may need to work on his consistency and overall performance to regain the trust of his coaches and teammates. However, this is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach, involving not just mental toughness but also technical skill, tactical awareness, and physical conditioning.

As for Gianfranco Zola, he is a former Chelsea player and coach, but he is not currently involved with the club. While he may have some insights or opinions on Kepa's performance, it's not his responsibility to turn around Kepa's career or Chelsea's fortunes.