Kenyas alternative president opposition delays odinga #comments

It appears you're referring to the Kenyan political scene. Here's a summary of the situation:

Background: In Kenya, the opposition leader Raila Odinga has been a key figure in the country's politics for decades. He has been the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) and has run for president several times.

Recent developments: In 2020, Odinga announced that he would not be running for president in the upcoming elections, citing a desire to focus on other aspects of politics and governance. However, in 2021, he changed his mind and announced that he would be running for president after all.

Opposition delays: The opposition, led by Odinga, has been delaying the start of the presidential campaign, citing various reasons such as the need for more time to prepare and the need for the government to address certain issues before the campaign can begin.

Alternative president: The opposition has also been pushing for an alternative president, with Odinga being the preferred candidate. However, the opposition has not yet officially announced Odinga as their candidate, and there are rumors that other opposition leaders may also be considering running for the presidency.

Comments: Here are some comments from various sources:

Please note that these comments are just summaries and may not reflect the actual views of the individuals or organizations mentioned.