Kendrick lamar new album name

Kendrick Lamar has not officially announced a new album name. However, he has been working on new music and has hinted at a potential new album in the future.

In a recent interview with The New York Times, Kendrick Lamar mentioned that he has been working on new music and has a "lot of ideas" that he wants to explore. He also stated that he is taking his time to ensure that the music is "right" and that he is not rushing the process.

Additionally, Kendrick Lamar's manager, Dave Free, has also hinted at a potential new album. In an interview with Complex, Free mentioned that Kendrick Lamar is working on new music and that it will be "something special".

It's worth noting that Kendrick Lamar has a history of keeping his album titles and release dates under wraps until the last minute, so it's possible that he may announce a new album title and release date in the near future.

In the meantime, fans can keep an eye on Kendrick Lamar's social media accounts and official website for any updates on his new music.