Kelvin momo ivy league full album mix private school amapiano 2022

It seems like you're looking for a specific song or album by Kelvin Momoh, also known as Kelvin Momo, which is a popular South African DJ and producer. The song you're referring to is likely "Ivy League" which is a full album mix, specifically in the Amapiano genre, released in 2022.

Here's the information you requested:

Album: Ivy League Artist: Kelvin Momoh (Kelvin Momo) Genre: Amapiano Release Date: 2022 Private School: Yes, the album is a private school mix, which means it's a mix of tracks created specifically for a private school event or party.

You can find the album on various music streaming platforms such as:

Please note that the availability of the album may vary depending on your location and the streaming platforms available in your region.