Kathy hiltons net worth updated 2022

According to various sources, Kathy Hilton's net worth is estimated to be around $350 million as of 2022.

Kathy Hilton is an American socialite, heiress, and philanthropist, best known for being the mother of Paris and Nicky Hilton. She was born on March 13, 1959, in Los Angeles, California.

Here's a breakdown of her estimated net worth:

  1. Inheritance: Kathy Hilton inherited a significant portion of her father's fortune, Conrad Hilton's, who was the founder of Hilton Hotels. Conrad Hilton's net worth at the time of his death in 1979 was estimated to be around $600 million.
  2. Business ventures: Kathy Hilton has invested in various business ventures, including real estate, fashion, and entertainment. She has also launched her own line of jewelry and home decor products.
  3. Philanthropy: Kathy Hilton is involved with several charitable organizations, including the Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the American Red Cross. Her philanthropic efforts have likely contributed to her net worth.
  4. Socialite lifestyle: As a socialite, Kathy Hilton has likely spent a significant amount on her lifestyle, including designer clothing, jewelry, and luxury travel. However, this expense is likely offset by her inheritance and business ventures.

Here are some specific estimates of Kathy Hilton's net worth from various sources:

It's worth noting that these estimates may vary, and Kathy Hilton's actual net worth may be higher or lower than these estimates.