Kariakoo derby win will sweeten yanga scs season if simba sc win the title nugaz

I think there may be a few issues with your sentence!

Firstly, "kariakoo derby" is a local term in Tanzania, referring to a football match between two teams from Dar es Salaam, specifically Simba SC and Young Africans SC (Yanga SC). So, it's not a "win" that will sweeten Yanga SC's season, but rather a victory in this specific derby match.

Secondly, "nugaz" is not a word in English, and I'm assuming it's a typo or a word from a different language.

Lastly, "if Simba SC win the title" implies that the outcome of the Kariakoo derby is dependent on Simba SC winning the title, which doesn't make sense.

Here's a rewritten version of your sentence:

"A Yanga SC win in the Kariakoo derby will sweeten their season if they have a successful campaign."

Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!