Karen marie moning new book

Karen Marie Moning is a popular author known for her Highlander and Fever series. Here are some details about her new book:

The Dark Highlander

Karen Marie Moning's latest book, "The Dark Highlander", is a standalone novel that was released on October 25, 2022. This book is a historical romance that takes place in the 18th century and features a dark and brooding Highlander as the main character.


The story follows Aidan MacKay, a dark and mysterious Highlander who has been cursed by the gods. He is forced to roam the earth for centuries, unable to die or find peace. When he meets a beautiful and feisty lass named Eilidh, he is drawn to her and finds himself wanting to break his curse.


The book has received positive reviews from readers and critics alike. Many have praised Moning's writing style, saying that it's as engaging and addictive as ever. The characters have also been well-received, with many readers loving the chemistry between Aidan and Eilidh.

Where to buy

You can find "The Dark Highlander" on various online platforms, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound. You can also check your local bookstore or library to see if they carry the book.

Other books by Karen Marie Moning

If you're new to Karen Marie Moning's work, you might want to check out some of her other popular books, such as: